Donna Iwicki

Describe your college search process and how you ended up at Elmhurst?

Donna started out looking at Argosy and UIC. She didn’t realize that Argosy was mostly online courses and as a result ruled them out. She then focused on UIC, which she liked. However, she has a 7 year old and decided that commuting 2 hours per day wasn’t practical or conducive to her family life. Soon after, her in-laws who used to live in Elmhurst suggested EC. At first glance she wasn’t interested simply based off of sticker price but a counselor at Harper told her that private colleges are known for the scholarship and aid packages. So, she decided to give Elmhurst a closer look. Once she came in to meet with a counselor, she knew she had found the right fit.

What have you found to be the benefits of a private college/university?

“You get what you pay for”. She is thrilled with the attentiveness of faculty and staff and said that, “my professors know my name and teachers are into helping me out and helping me to form my career goals”. She also said that Elmhurst provides top notch customer service which was a large part of why she came in addition to the aid package she was provided with.

How did you find out about PICU? The PICU Scholarship?

She believes she received a mailing about the PICU scholarship after she looked into Elmhurst. She had a lot of great questions about PICU and what it is that we do.

What advice do you have for current community college students beginning their transfer process?

Her advice is, “to realize how much funding is out there and available. Strive to have good grades and more opportunities will be available to you. Take the time and do the research- you essentially trip over scholarship opportunities if you are actively looking for funding”.

Donna is happy to answer any other questions we may have. She is an adult commuter student and received the $500 award.

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